Our Events
Here at Suffer Better we work our magic and build our community through a variety of fun, sometimes challenging, and always worth it community-focused events.
Trail Runs
Each year we host several mountain endurance events, two in the Fall – a tough 25K and 50K, including a crazy Fishslapping division in the 25K – and the CO edition of Running Up for Air (RUFA) in the winter, a key piece of the Up for Air Series. Each event is designed to allow the trail community to test its mettle, while simultaneously raising awareness and funds for current pressing environmental issues: the protection and preservation of our precious public lands and water, and the declining quality of our air. Learn more about those here, and, even better, register and join the fun.
Suffer Better Fall Trail Runs
Our 8th Annual Fall Trail Runs are run and done. Well done.
It was a spectacular bluebird Fall day at Staunton with our 50K, 25K, the ever-crazy and popular 25K Fishslapping Division (yes, it involves catching a trout!) and our new 3K for people just dipping their toes into trail running.
Results from the big day are right here.
The 2025 edition of Running Up for Air is coming in February 2025.
We’ll be back at Staunton State Park on 2/14-15/2025 for the newest edition of RUFA - Staunton Rocks.
You’ll again get to run the popular 7.2 mile lollipop as many times as you can for 24, 12, 6 or 3 hours. And teams are again welcome in the 24-hour (2 or 4-person) and 12-hour (2-person) events. What a way to spend quality time for a great cause with your friends and trail community. It’ll be even better if you’re there too!
Registration is open and early-bird pricing is in full swing.
Coming in Spring 2024.
Scholarships will be available for both individual youths and youth accompanied by an adult mentor/parent/guardian to register for select trail runs and to prepare for their event with the assistance of a licensed coach.
The New Run Wild - Suffer Better Scholarship Fund
Mission: to build an environment that allows easier access to nature for more youth and adults and builds community.
The Scholarship Fund’s Goals are:
To empower youth and adults to fully experience the power and joy of the outdoors in their unique and individual ways
To expand access to, awareness of, and appreciation for the natural world
To cultivate and support a diverse trail running community
To develop the next generation of trail runners and committed outdoorists
To offer resources for youth and adults to maximize their trail running experiences
Suffer Better party at the Farm
Our favorite event of the year! Another beautiful evening at the Farm, raising precious money for our Do Good Grant Program and our new scholarship fund.
Thank you all for joining us.
We offer programs that inform the endurance community about the people, the challenges and the issues we face, as both athletes and humans. These take the form of panels, presentations and podcasts through local running shops, films, and outdoor activities that unite us in our efforts to both appreciate our gifts, our environment, and better ourselves and our communities.
In spring 2019, Suffer Better launched its new grant program, Do Good Grants, offering financial (up to $1000) support for individuals or groups with an innovative project or activity that combines a unique endurance activity and an integrated and meaningful charitable component.
You can access the Suffer Better Grant Application here.
“Do Good” grantee, Kunlong von Cousin on the trail during his 50th Birthday 50-mile fundraiser for the Unstoppable Nina Hall Fund. Read the article about Kunlong here.